
The Dragons of Serenia: Chap.1

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The Dragons of Serenia

Chapter 1: The Black Scaled Tyrant

It is night time upon a battle stricken land. The sky still laid blood red from the many lives that were taken there. The moon and stars have disappeared completely, only dark clouds created from the ashes of the deceased float amongst the sky. A dark castle, covered with statues of demons and war machines, lay in the center of the chaotic land that had been built on the bones of soldiers. Four towers rise high in the air behind its protective walls, each holding a purple flame at its peak.  Only two ogres, violent and stupid as they are, remained outside the dark castle's walls to defend against intruders. The ogres were a few inches taller than a human, their faces were fat and bulky like their bellies and their ears were very large and pointy. The armor they wore was very simple usually just covering their head and belly and they each carried a club. They gobbled with each other about not having anything to eat and often wished that the humans were not cowards so they can feast on soldiers again.

A lone human male walked amongst the thick fog of the land until he was standing face to face with the guards. The man was about six feet tall, maybe even taller. He had black spiky hair and had calm blue eyes. He wore a combination of blue cloth and blue armor while his sleeves and pant legs were black. His red cape waved in the wind like a possessed ghost. His clothing was strange to the ogres since they have never seen the looks of this kind of human before. But the guards laughed happily since their wish had been granted.

"Well what do we have here brother?" asked the older sounding ogre brother.

"Why, I think it's a juicy human!" said the younger ogre brother. "Make sure you split him up evenly brother!"

"Yeah, yeah, I hear ya" said the older brother. "Well, young human, whatever reason you had for coming here I think will be in vain because the only thing you will be helping is helping fill our stomachs!"

The ogre brothers laughed at the human.

"Fools" said the human as he took out a sword that was hidden by a special cloaking magic. The sword was of fine steel and very well crafted for dealing the most damage in hand to hand combat. The human quickly slashed the ogres with one stroke of his sword and both of them fell to the ground while inhaling their last gasp of air.

Three other humans followed behind the first human after the ogres were dispatched of. One was another male, much larger than the first human, his muscles were large strong enough to scare even a demon to submitting to him. Because of that fact the large human wore heavy steel armor along with a helmet which masked his face and a large great sword which was as long as any human.

The third human was also male. Unlike the first human he seemed much weaker and inexperienced. He had short brown hair and green eyes. His attire included red leather and steel shoulder armor. Like the first human however he too also used a sword but was much smaller for quicker swings.

The last human was the female of the group. She too was a seasoned fighter like the first. She had long black hair and brown eyes. Her attire was of green cloth for light movement. The weapon she used was a Bow. On her back was a large amount of arrows, some of which was dipped in potions to give them an added effect in battle.

"Having trouble are we Geoffrey?" said the large male sarcastically.

"Hardly, they were just the pawns in this battle" said the blue armored male. "How about you Brad?"

"Ha! I smashed through their ambush army like it was nothing" said the large male.

"He ran head first into a barrage of arrows like an idiot" said the female of the group.

"Hey what is that suppose to mean Sheena?" asked Brad.

"Nothing, but you could be a little more careful. If I didn't give you a barrier arrow before the arrows hit you would have gotten a free acupuncture treatment" said Sheena.

"Ugh, Brad, shut up, Sheena stop annoying Brad, I need everyone focused before we head inside" said Geoffrey.

"I agree with master Geoffrey. The black dragon who dwells here will easily kill us if we are hesitant for a single second" said the leather armored man.

"Yeah" said Sheena.

"Alright" said Brad.

"Creno, are you sure you want to come along during this mission? I know you haven't used that sword for very long" said Geoffrey.

"Yes, the odds seem better if I did come along. Besides, I think you could benefit from my tactics" said Creno.

"That is true. Alright, if everybody's ready, let's go" said Geoffrey.

Geoffrey quickly cut the ropes holding the large gate open and the gate flew upwards very quickly. The entrance seemed to look like the jaws of a monster with only darkness waiting for the group of travelers. The group walked into the darkness as they walked they began to feel a strange feeling in the air.  All of a sudden purple flames illuminated the room revealing a room filled with even more demonic statues. Standing in front of the group of warriors was a band of goblins and ogres. The goblins were one third smaller than a normal human, their green skin, pointy ears, and fearsome teeth makes them very fearsome in groups. They only where cloth armor to make them very fast and carry with them stone carved daggers.

"Looks like we found the welcoming party" said Geoffrey.

The horde of monsters charge at the warriors at full speed, their minds itching for blood. Brad jump in front of the group and swung his mighty blade sending the front line of monsters flying into the air. Sheena fired a few errors dipped in an explosive mixture which exploded when they hit the ground sending more monsters to their deaths. Creno dodged enemy attacks, distracting them from the rest of the group. His size and speed made him the perfect decoy. After a few minutes of devastating attacks Creno jumped behind Geoffrey who was charging a spell in his left hand. His hand glowed orange with energy and small flames began to appear around his fist. The monster saw one look at the energy Geoffrey held and immediately ran away in fright but right before the monsters got to the opposite door Geoffrey released the energy sending a wave of fire at his enemies burning them to a crisp. The monsters all turned to ash and disappeared from sight.

"I forgot how powerful magic can actually be" said Brad.

"You forget a lot of things. I have used this enough times to give you a firm enough grasp that I can wield some powerful magic" said Geoffrey.

"Yeah, you should know by now Brad that Geoffrey is a powerful mystic knight" said Sheena.

"Hey, I remember many things!" exclaimed Brad.

"Forget it, it was only a joke. Come on we only just entered the first room. We need to get to the throne room where the black dragon lives" said Geoffrey.

The group of warriors pressed onwards fighting goblins and ogres down a linear hallway using their tactics from before. But things seem too easy for Geoffrey the path seemed to linear for him. The warriors pressed onwards until they finally came upon the doors to the throne room. Two suits of armors stood beside the doors with a steel sword by their side.

"Wow, that was easy" said Creno.

"Yeah, easy" said Geoffrey distastefully.
All of a sudden the suits of armor came to life and began to approach the warriors. The warriors took their battle stances and repeatedly struck both of them with normal attacks until they crumbled to the floor.

"I don't like the looks of this…the castle is too linear and the monsters defending the place are just cannon fodder" said Geoffrey.

"Oh stop complaining, were hear aren't we?" said Sheena.

"Yeah, I guess your right" said Geoffrey still unsure.

"If it makes you feel any better I will head in first" said Brad.

"Actually that would probably be the best idea since Brad can take the most damage out of all of us" said Creno.

"Okay, go for it Brad" said Geoffrey.

Brad rushed into the throne room at full speed giving off a battle cry when all of a sudden he froze as purple electricity surrounded his body.

"Brad!" cried the other warriors as they rushed in to save Brad. But as they entered they too became trapped in the purple electricity.

"Well, well, well, I was wondering when you four would actually arrive here.
Although I was expecting the battle to be a bit more exciting. No matter, it's over now" said a cunning yet devious voice in the darkness.

As the voice faded away darkness began to appear beneath the four warriors. They each struggled to free themselves from the grasp of their captor but to no avail. Geoffrey though began to concentrate on the spell until he felt the rhythm in which it covered his body and then dispelled it with a quick spell he generated around him. Geoffrey quickly dodged out of the darkness just before it enveloped his friends.

"Brad! Sheena! Creno! What have you done with them!?" asked Geoffrey angrily.

"Hmmm, I thought a mystic knight would be able to free himself from such a simple spell" said the voice in the darkness.

"Answer my question Nevareth!" yelled Geoffrey.

A black scaled dragon began to slowly walk out of the darkness of the throne room until he was clearly visible to Geoffrey. His wing flaps were blood red as well as his eyes and his horns took an inward curve to seem like a demon's horns.

"Don't worry they are fine, for now anyways" said Nevareth.

"I will make you pay for this" said Geoffrey.

Nevareth smiled as Geoffrey took out his sword. As they both assumed battle positions.

"Well then let's see what a mystic knight is really capable of" said Nevareth.
Geoffrey charged at Nevareth and attempted to swing his sword at him. But Nevareth quickly pounded Geoffrey to the ground with his right claw. Nevareth then followed up his attack by snapping his jaws at Geoffrey. Geoffrey quickly rolled out of the way and got back on his feet. Geoffrey then began to charge blue energy in the palm of his hand. Nevareth blew fire at Geoffrey but Geoffrey quickly moved out of the fire's path. As soon as he escaped the fire attack Geoffrey released the energy he built up and fired it at the dragon. The energy turned into ice and froze the dragon solid. Out of breath, Geoffrey finally sat down in relief.

"That was close" said Geoffrey.

But as soon as his words left his lips a claw from Nevareth broke free from the ice and grabbed Geoffrey. Geoffrey screamed in pain as the dragon squeezed him tightly.

"That was a nice trick you pulled but I wasn't even trying in this battle" said Nevareth as the rest of his body broke free from the ice.

"What!?" said Geoffrey.

"Too bad, I was beginning to have some fun. But unfortunately I can't kill you now. My lord wishes for me to test you to see if you're worthy enough" said Nevareth.

"Worthy enough? Lord? What are you talking about? There's more than one black dragon?" asked Geoffrey.

"Oh yes young mystic knight there are, thousands in fact. All under our lord's command" said Nevareth as he began to surround Geoffrey in black energy. "But enough talking, it is time for you to take your trip."

"Where are teleporting me!?" yelled Geoffrey. "I cannot let this happen! My friends are still here! I need to save them!"

Geoffrey struggled to free himself from the dragons grasped. His thoughts erratic enough to not be able to dispel the energy around him. Geoffrey kept struggling until he disappear within the black energy.

"Unfortunately for you mystic knight you won't be able to save them" said Nevareth.  Welcome to your new home. Welcome….to Serenia!"
Well the first chapter to "The Dragons of Serenia". I am terribly sorry to everybody that I won't be making the game of it since the thought is really large and would take me hours to work out every detail. I will instead however be making the story and including all of the events and special moves I thought the characters would have in the game.

Also to let you all know: I PLAN TO ACTUALLY FINISH THIS! This is by far the only idea in my head that I haven't strayed far from long and has kept me the most interested so be prepared to see more chapters of this.

Well to start off, this is the first chapter and first real event in the game. Sort of like an interactive introduction movie. You know the training mission before the actually game. Anyway this chapter introduces the main hero of the tale: Geoffrey and the main villain: Nevareth.

I tried to keep the chapter pretty short since if I did the dungeon in my head you would be reading this all day. I will have more complex dungeons don't worry but I decided for an introduction to keep the dungeon crawling limited. The second fact for doing this is because I want to get to the next few chapters to introduce some of my friends characters who, probably for the first time, will be appearing in a story.

So without further ado. Here's the first chapter of The Dragons of Serenia!"
© 2009 - 2024 chaoticwings3
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devoreisbest's avatar
welcome to Serenia! 

*welcome to JURASIC PARK!*... and we all knew what happened next. 
EVIL Laughter!